Monday, January 6, 2025

Another Thing AI Can't Teach

 A key aspect of teaching/learning is getting content to sink in the depths of the psyche. AI can’t do this in certain ways human teachers can, at least with respect to psychological knowledge:

“More money won’t make you happy”
“You won’t live forever” (for teens)
“Be authoritatively humble and humbly authoritative”
“Have emotionally mature childlikeness”

For these things, AI generated text, in and of itself, will not move the “data” from your head to your heart/soul.

In order for this to happen, you need to digest. Process in many angles. Metabolize with everyday events. Catch yourself unconsciously assuming the opposite without initially realizing. Struggle with implications that don’t make sense experientially. Persevere with them until they do. Wrestle with both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of points.

You need someone further along the way to ask you the next customized question prompting growth. These plot-twisting questions stretch you from a narrower framework into uncomfortable new ones that are mysteriously coherent at first. You “cocoon” thoughts that later flap out with color. This human mentor needs to journey with your metamorphosis while you make mistakes without immediately correcting you with the “right answer” all the time. This is because learning from one’s free-willed mistakes is a stepping stone to the ultimate destination. You need loving individualized attention from a personalized heart.

AI can’t do this stuff.

Monday, September 2, 2024

"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit" -Proverbs 18:21

We are not knowledge computers. We are souls that possess knowledge. And when we bring our knowledge to our tongues, we feel the live "spirit" of the knowledge we possess.

Knowledge not expressed remains backstage. Knowledge that walks off the tongue's red carpet onto the stage of consciousness produces a play of intellectual improv. The spotlight of unscripted energy shines on a cast of connected concepts climaxing into coherence.

Friday, August 9, 2024

When you see people who claim they’re “not into hip-hop” being exposed to an undeniably “sick” beat vibrating the atmosphere (e.g. in the mall), something happens. You see their nervous systems leak acknowledgement of how cool the rhythmic bass is that is vibrating their soul. It’s like their depths are rebelling against their mind’s command to not find the beat cool because they’re “not supposed to”. They give themselves a top-down executive order to suppress the inclination to “bob their head”.

A similar thing occurs when someone who claims “they’re not religious or spiritual” being exposed to an otherworldly type of love that’s not merely human.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Amidst AI's advancements...

With all of AI’s advancements, many see its potential to enrich life. This may or may not be true.

We forget that AI, at the end of the day, just makes tools. Tools are means for purposes. Well, with all of AI’s advancements, what purposes are they meant to accomplish? Convenience? Getting what you want right away? Immersing yourself deeper in a digital world? 

Millions of humans have tried these purposes, and they’ve been left empty. If this is the case, more effective means of these purposes will just hasten emptiness.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

 Desire for certainty makes you anxious. Acceptance of uncertainty makes you less anxious.

Get rid of the certainty, you get rid of the anxiety.

Friday, February 23, 2024

To Control or Not Control

 You may think you want to control 100% of your life. But stop and think of whether you want to control 100% of the stories you read or the movies you watch.

If you controlled 100% of any story/movie, you'll take away the surprising dopamine. The surprising alliances. The surprising identities. The surprising choices. The surprising turn of the tables. The surprising plot twists.

There is an inner war between the desire for control and the desire for surprising dopamine. They come from 2 different parts of you, each with their own motivations.

Movie critics slam "bad movies" for being "predictable". If that is the case, do we really expect the quality of our non-fictional life movie to be "two thumbs up" if it's nothing but "predictable" and completely in our control?

Friday, December 15, 2023

Renditions of Value

When you learn as an individual, your mind composes unique melodies for established lyrics of knowledge. As you express your artistic notes for the world's intellectual verses, your soul gives something valuable to us that no one else can. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Price of Idolizing Comfort

If you idolize comfort, you pay a hidden price of anxiously trying to keep life comfortable. You preoccupy yourself with anticipating interruptions of your comfort and preemptively planning to counter them. When the mind is constantly calculating, the heart has no peace.

Better to embrace life's interruptions as invitations to adventure.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Me 3D

The world doesn't have a plan to help men find objectifying women uninteresting.

The Kingdom does though. And those who want it bad enough will discover it.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Mature Childlike Wisdom

Adults adopt predictability to help with responsibility. But predictability cannot coexist with wonder.

Children adopt naivete to help with wonder. But naivete cannot coexist with responsibility. 

Those who aim for the paradox of *Mature Childlike Wisdom must have wonder without naivete & responsibility without idolizing predictability.

*defined as being free from the illusions adults assault themselves with