Sunday, October 17, 2010

One can't help but to get a little mystical about a lot of little/mini "coincidences" occurring in one's daily life when one learns to walk more and more into the Kingdom of God.

My dad just recently got a new printer. I set it up, installed the drivers on my computer (which took a while), then tried to print out some stuff. There were some hardware errors with the printer. It was an HP, and it jammed! And it was pushing out blank pieces of paper without any ink on it! I was a little upset, discovering that our brand new printer got busted in its first attempt to print. I went upstairs to get something (while I was praying for it), went back down. Tried again, then voila! It worked!

Then my dad installed the printer drivers on his computer a few hours later to print some stuff from his laptop. It wasn't working. It was sending out blank pieces of white paper without any ink on it. I started to pray for the printer, I opened some of the sides of the printer (without touching anything inside), then "layed hands" on the printer while continuing to pray for it. We attempted to print one more time. Voila! It worked immediately afterwards!

Coincidence? Maybe. But as archbishop William Temple said "coincidences happen a lot more when I pray".

The mysteries of life. The "fortuitous accidents" of life. The Kingdom baby.


Man! Quantum physics is so interesting!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I read a portion of Thomas Kelly's The Eternal Promise while on the subway today.

There's one portion that really resonated with my soul. Here it is:

"What direction shall we run, if we would run away to God? I can only answer, He is within you already. Seek Him in the very deeps of your souls. But you say, "I thought we were to seek Him in the Bible." I should reply, He is not in the Bible, as such. For the Bible, as such, is a book, and words; and what you want is not a book but a living God; not words, but the Word, the Living Word. It is not the words of a book, but the Living Word who animated and owned those writers who wrote the Bible, that we crave. "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." The book points beyond itself, to Him who has been found by its writers. And because He is already in the deeps of your own souls, these words of the Bible are made living and vivid to you. Read your Bibles, and feel your way back into that Source and Spring of Life which bubbled up in the Bible-writers. And you'll find that Source and Spring of Life bubbling up within you also. And you'll find yourself in deep fellowship with these writers, because your life and theirs go back into the same Living Spring."

Quakers are awesome!