Sunday, April 21, 2013

Radical Hebrews 11:33-34 Faith

"Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God."
- William Carey

"A Christian leader of the early twentieth century, R.A. Torrey, decided - at what he understood to be God's direction - to have no salary or regular means of support as a way of coming to know the reality of God's day-to-day provision. He thereafter took no offerings in his meetings and spoke to no human beings about his needs. He lived a public life seen by all, and he reported that day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, he 'walked up to that aperture in Heaven which men call 'prayer'' and asked God for what he needed. It was supplied. The needs of his family and his ministry were more than fully met. He went out of his way to insist that this was not something that every Christian should do, but something he chose to do to verify the present reality of God in his life."
-Dallas Willard the Great in "Knowing Christ Today"

*Lucius Fox = R.A. Torrey's hypothetical spiritual director/guide who would supply godly wisdom/spiritual technology to help him accomplish his assigned missions from God that required radical Hebrews 11:33-34-mountaing-moving faith.
Bruce Wayne = R.A. Torrey the Dark Knight Christian who expected and attempted great things from God for God.*

Lucius: "Now for high-risk faith jumps like trusting in God to to supply your financial needs without taking in a salary, you're going to need special prayer and fasting. Well, I must say, compared to your usual prayer requests, trusting in God for this is pretty straight forward."

R.A. Torrey: "Now what about relying on God to provide for my financial needs week by week, without planning or saving in advance?"

Lucius: "I'd recommend a good fundraising agent"

R.A. Torrey: "Without telling anyone."

Lucius: *pauses and smirks* "Now that's more like it Mr. Torrey"

It is the role of the Dark Knight Christian to do all the preparation work with godly wisdom, special prayer, and spiritual discernment to receive God's miraculous providence. After all is done on the side of human responsibility in carrying out the mission, the Dark Knight Christian lastly has to launch one's prayers to the heavens, then expect and trust in the perfect timing of God's providence from the heavens to deliver him, just as Batman, after he has done his part of the mission, lastly has to launch his balloon-gadget to the sky, then expect and trust in the perfect timing of the plane from the sky to deliver him.