Thursday, December 17, 2015

The "Interestingness" of God

If there is a very interesting person present, but we don't understand his/her language, we'll become disinterested after he/she talks for a while. Even bored.

The same goes with God.

If there is a very interesting God present, but we don't understand his language, we'll become disinterested after he talks for a while. Even bored.

Perhaps that is why many people secretly find prayer boring without telling anyone. 9 times out of 10, people who find prayer boring do 100% of the talking while God's microphone is unknowingly muted.


Star Wars episode 7 just came out. Well, at least the prescreening reviews before the official day of release tomorrow.

Initial consensus of the critics on was 95%. I'll probably go see it after the craze dies down a little, and the fire department calms down about the fire hazard levels of the theaters overflowing with cramped sardines.

The mystical side of me can't help but to think... what if.... just what if... the story of God was so exciting that it made Star Wars seem like it only had 2 stars? What if the "universe" of the kingdom of God was much more vast than the Star Wars one in a galaxy far away? What if the stakes were higher than the empire versus the resistance of the rebels? What if the plot lines were as energizing as the Jedis versus the Darth villains? What if, everyday, we had a spiritual soundtrack of a symphony capturing the pulse of our universe and the dramatic unfolding of an epic story?

What if?

I think people would be lining up to enter the Church to meet Jesus the way crazed fans are lining up to watch Episode 7.