*spiritually downloading via the Holy Spirit on how to interpretively
overcome the initially undetectable yet powerfully imprisoning assumptions of the
Matrix of secular Mass Media. The Matrix propagates worldly values that secure
and sustain a hidden oppressive system of interpretation that secretly enslaves
human minds collectively with an illusory framework of reality*
NEO: “I know existentially interpretive Kung Fu.”
MORPHEUS (a seasoned and learned Jesus mentor who is
existentially unplugged from the Matrix): “Show me.”
*Imaginative spiritual exercise of training via simulation
through imaginative role play in the field experience of worldly everyday
MORPHEUS: “This is an existentially interpretive sparring
program. Similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix of the Mass Media (1
John 2:15-17). It has the same basic functional assumptions. Assumptions like
secular humanism. What you must learn is that these assumptions are no
different than the assumptions of any interpretive worldview system. Some of
them can be bent (e.g. “the 5 physical senses are a reliable guide to objective
truth”). Others can be broken (e.g. “if you get what you carnally desire,
you’ll be deeply content, and you’ll have a finality of satisfaction because
carnal desires can be fully satisfied if you satisfy them right now”).
NEO: *Nods*
MORPHEUS: “Then interpretively uppercut the assumption I
represent (“if your carnal desires sincerely feel that what they genuinely hunger
for is a credible guide to what is good for you, then they are”). If you can.”
MORPHEUS: “Good spiritual mind renewal (Romans 12:2).
Adaptation. Improvisation. But your weakness, is not your cognitive technique.”
*temporary blunder/setback that inevitably comes in the
course of training (Luke 22:32)*
*Gets back up after embarrassingly falling flat on one’s
face in the training. One can see the hunger, determination, and teachability
in those eyes of an eager Jesus student to master existentially interpretive Kung
Fu that can interpretively overpower seemingly indomitable secular interpretive
assumptions that are functionally overhwelming*
Another temporary blunder/setback.
MORPHEUS: “How did the secular assumption I represent beat
NEO: “Your functional affect on the cognition of my human
brain is too fast.”
MORPHEUS: “Do you believe that a human’s cognitive IQ being
stronger or faster has anything to do with exercising the existentially
interpretive muscles of deep soul-awakened conviction-level realizations, in
this secular environment?”
NEO: *shakes head*
MORPHEUS: “You think that this secular atmosphere’s
psychological oxygen is completely neutral and free of any hidden but distorted
spiritual values?”
(Galatians 2:20)
MORPHEUS: “What are you waiting for? Your spiritual mind’s
operations have a supernatural elasticity in your consciousness to produce
superhuman effects that make it faster and stronger than if you merely used
normal human cognition (1 Corinthians 2:14-16). Don’t cognitively think you
are. Soulfully know you are.”
*The soul existentially conquers the interpretive warfare by
realizing “Are these carnal desires, felt live with an intention of 100%
sincerity on their part, a good guide for what is good for me? No. I deeply
realize that although they’re sincere, they’re unknowingly under a deceptive
spell and I realize this on the level of soul-conviction and soul-awakening. I
existentially realize that the Wisdom of God is a good guide for what is good
for me.”*