Monday, November 13, 2017

I Will Not Bow Down

Lord. I know I'll be tested. Just like the others beside me. I've seen the others beside me bow down left, right, and center. Peer pressure causes their mental knees to nervously shake and descend with pity. Their stance is compromised due to cowardice of conviction. With people-pleasing postures, they curtsy towards the shifting trends and whimsical opinions of the world.

Not me Lord.

Lord, I will not cave in from pressure. I choose to be one of the remaining few who refuse to bow my knee down to falsehood, even if threatened. I cannot, and will not bow down. Something in me refuses to give in. Something beyond my mind that I do not fully understand causes me to stand firm for reasons that I do not fully know. And so I refuse to bow to the world's idolatrous ideologies and instead choose to be an intellectually daring rebel. My freethinking is too preciously free to pay the price of worldly imprisonment. In every age, freethinking needs to adapt its attitude to test and possibly challenge the background assumptions that are taken in by the masses without testing and scrutiny.  So, in our modern day intellectual world in 2017, I will be a Neo-freethinker who will not get his thinking enslaved by the Matrix. I dare to keep Michael Scholfielding myself out of the world's imprisoning ideas.

Lord, be with me.