Saturday, October 15, 2022

Professor Jesus

Jesus Christ, my ultimate Professor. You give access to the missing, hidden variables of the mind’s equations that compute mysterious coherence. The wisdom you provide helps your students see invisible levers that shift interpretive frameworks. Unusual dimensions of issues shine that reorganize understanding in valuable ways. Master of Discernment, you cut fresh keys of insight for us to insert into life’s challenges, giving them a surprising twist to unlock solutions.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Will of God = Story of God = Drama of God

A multi-genre life story is available to anyone who wants it. Action. Lighthearted comedy. Purposeful preparation. Suspense. Electric drama accumulating energy from voltage generated in constant leverage shifts. Vulnerable heartfelt moments. Profound sadness that makes the soul's depths feel alive when validated. Meaningful challenges where fighting for good has big stakes that affect the world. Camaraderie with fellow allies in fighting for a purpose much bigger than each.

He or she who rejects this rejects the will of God.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle


Psalm 144:1 + Proverbs 24:6 + Ecclesiastes 9:14-18 + 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 = Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who teaches us the architecture of the human mind to design divine mental weaponry. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who helps us engineer divinely empowered psychological technology.

With each pursuing year, we suit up with upgrades that Mark our armour with new powers of perception and stronger rays of insight to blast into this dark world of thinking.

After a decade of upgrades, we say blessed be the Lord, my rock, who upgrades our armour to divine nanotech.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Kingdom's Social Poker

One aspect of Kingdom wisdom is exhibited in social poker (1 Kings 3:16-28). Here, the person gathers intelligence on what emotional cards others are holding close to their chest. The person plays a conversational card and catalogues the defensive instincts reacting to it. The reactions that others have towards others’ reactions are also taken into account. Finally, the person “counts the cards” of the entire context, discerns the presence/absence of defense mechanisms, and matches which unconscious reactions correspond to whose hidden cards. And pierces through the bluff. 

 Those who follow Jesus this way grow in this respect. 

 (If you want good practice for your everyday life, put on your detective hat when examining the evidence in political scandals.)

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Runway Words

A designer of verbal expression enjoys the intrinsic task of word selection. One’s vocabulary becomes a wardrobe of fashion garments, mixing and matching ways of dressing up ideas with articulatory flair. There is fun in the verbal dressing room trying matching word combinations in front of the mirror of resonance. Finally, the best match is found, and the model phrase walks out with perfect expression.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Nuance


If you fear a good God, you’ll be overwhelmed by his goodness in challenges and setbacks. Your defense mechanisms of worst-case-scenario-ing will be kept at bay due to the saturating safety. Now, when your vision is not blinded by dark catastrophizing, you'll see nuanced colours of insightful angles that would otherwise escape you in panic. Those angles will give you wisdom. That’s why the fear of a good God leads to wisdom.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Pride darkly dramatizes your humanness. Humility lightheartedly embraces it.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Hell of Forcing Heaven Before its Time

Wanting perfect security in events creates pressure for perfect peace.

Accepting imperfect security in events releases pressure for perfect peace.

Wanting perfect control creates pressure for perfect security.

Accepting imperfect control releases pressure for perfect security.

Wanting perfect love in humans creates pressure for perfect connection.

Accepting imperfect love in humans releases pressure for perfect connection.