Monday, July 3, 2023

Resistance is a Gift to See the Unseen

 If you want to feel what is invisible (i.e. things of the heart), see what resists it. Resistance intensifies convictions, creating an equal but opposite force that’s palpable. The tension enables you to detect what is not directly seeable.

You feel your group identity more when it is challenged (e.g. protestors vs totalitarian governments).

You feel love for your loved one more when it is challenged (e.g. chick flicks).

You feel the meaning of life more when it is challenged (e.g. protagonists fighting increasingly overwhelming odds to save the world).

You feel your faith in God more when it is challenged (e.g. bigger weights that your faith bench presses enable you to feel those veiny muscles bulge).

Resistance makes the invisible heart palpable. It enlivens cardiac activity in ways otherwise not possible. The friction creates drama, which electrifies the invisible pulse of the heart.