Monday, January 6, 2025

Another Thing AI Can't Teach

 A key aspect of teaching/learning is getting content to sink in the depths of the psyche. AI can’t do this in certain ways human teachers can, at least with respect to psychological knowledge:

“More money won’t make you happy”
“You won’t live forever” (for teens)
“Be authoritatively humble and humbly authoritative”
“Have emotionally mature childlikeness”

For these things, AI generated text, in and of itself, will not move the “data” from your head to your heart/soul.

In order for this to happen, you need to digest. Process in many angles. Metabolize with everyday events. Catch yourself unconsciously assuming the opposite without initially realizing. Struggle with implications that don’t make sense experientially. Persevere with them until they do. Wrestle with both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of points.

You need someone further along the way to ask you the next customized question prompting growth. These plot-twisting questions stretch you from a narrower framework into uncomfortable new ones that are mysteriously coherent at first. You “cocoon” thoughts that later flap out with color. This human mentor needs to journey with your metamorphosis while you make mistakes without immediately correcting you with the “right answer” all the time. This is because learning from one’s free-willed mistakes is a stepping stone to the ultimate destination. You need loving individualized attention from a personalized heart.

AI can’t do this stuff.