Sunday, April 8, 2012

Meditating on Scripture can actually be more engaging than any favourite hobby of ours

The events of John 7:32, 45, 46 truthfully are just overwhelmingly stunning.

"Earlier, when the temple police came to arrest Jesus, he sent them away, telling them it wasn't time yet. They actually went away, much to the confusion of the chief priests and Pharisees. Their explanation was, "No one ever spoke the way this man does." - Jan Johnson

Temporarily don't concentrate on the theological truths that can be extracted from this passage (as important as they are in themselves). For the moment, just imagine a modern day equivalent of this passage occurring. Let's say Jesus chose to live in 21st century North America with the average physical appearance of one of us. And the police chief of the district that he's living in sends cops to arrest him. The cops arrive and are ready to arrest him. They talk with Jesus. Then, they are sent back empty handed to the police chief. The police chief asks them "why didn't you arrest him and bring him in?" And the poor cops reply "Because no one ever spoke the way this man does."


The output of the power of Jesus' words create mind-blowing effects that vastly outweigh an impact coming from mere human capacities. The supernatural/divine power of the words he spoke had an effect that was super-human, divine, and not of this world. That is the only way to explain how a person who is supposed to be arrested by cops can send them back to their police chief empty handed without the person himself engaging in self-defense, hostage taking, threats, name calling, or blackmailing the police. Just speaking words peacefully, calmly, with love, and without hate. Words with an impact that is not only different in degree but in kind, which are coming from another world.

Friggin' think about the implications of this man! CRAZY! Now that's a Lord I want to follow!

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