Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Creator of the Universe Became a Small Little Baby

Oh Lord, the biggest planets in the universe that overload and fry out our imaginations are like microscopic atoms to you.

As Dallas Willard has said, the universe is hardly the beginning of God. Lord, the whole universe is hardly a trailer clip to the actual feature presentation of your breathtaking immensity.

In the beginning you created the universe. In your creation party of Genesis 1:1 you sprinkled the galaxies in space like cosmic confetti. You decorated the intergalactic wallpaper with a whole constellation of ornaments. Clusters of planets, stars, asteroids, and galaxies.

All the planets you've created keep rotating like children twirling out of non-stop joy to the glory of your limitless genius and creative power. Shooting stars can't contain themselves when they encounter you and sprint with worshipful adrenaline across the sky you gave them.

Yet you, the Creator of the entire universe, decided to become a small little baby. Oh my Lord, you became human. Oh my Word, you became flesh. You chose to become like one of us. You chose to humble yourself and become like the size of a subatomic particle yourself so that your subatomic creation, which became lonely and sinfully separated from you, would not remain alone and without you forever.

Our God, although you always hold the human race in your hands, you allowed yourself to be held by the hands of the human race in that Bethlehem manger.

Ever since we sinfully separated ourselves from you in the Garden of Eden, your heart has always cried tears over us for our salvation, redemption, and restoration with you. By giftwrapping yourself in human form, we could finally see your divine tears physically stream down the literal face of God as you wept. The face of God was no longer just a metaphor for your Jewish people when they saw it take physical form. Your divine heart finally had a set of facial muscles to express itself with. Those divine facial muscles thrillingly smiled at us pitiful, broken sinners with furious selfless affection during your 30 years on Earth.

The truth is that the only physical gift that can ever satisfy the supernatural void in the human heart is the physical body of Christ, given and broken for us 2000 years ago. Your Christmas presence never expired, costed no money, and can satisfy the human heart everyday from now until eternity.

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