Tuesday, May 5, 2020

God and Humour Revisited

Imagine you’ve never, ever experienced humour before. Ever. Pretend that not a single neuron in your brain has wired and fired to this foreign thing called “funniness” and “laughter”. For your whole life. Now imagine reading and hearing about humour and laughter. Picture yourself observing others “laugh” at this peculiar content called “humour” that you can't taste, smell, or touch. Your ability to “pick up” humour would be as good as that of a CCTV camera. You’d be confused because you’d try to use logic to understand the nonlogical (not illogical). You’d be at the mercy of non-humour categories to try to understand humour.

The same thing goes with God and experiencing him through Jesus. Millions of people in 2020 experience him everyday, regardless of age, ethnicity, culture, or political leanings. If you’ve never experienced him before, you’ll try to use logic to understand the nonlogical (not illogical). You’ll try to use non-God categories to try to understand God. The good news is that God sees the depths of each human heart. If he sees that we ultimately want him, he will reveal his living personality to us. But we must want him more than anything else.

Oh, and he happens to be a funny God too. I’m serious. Not joking.

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