Friday, July 7, 2017

Legacy Training

"And the child grew up and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel."
-Luke 1:80

There is a season for distinguished underground training that is hidden from the world. A season that consists of extended strenuous conditioning that is worth every purpose-saturated bead of sweat that is meaningfully secreted. Days and weeks of engaging in such intentional stretching of one's supernaturally elastic potential goes unnoticed and undetected from the public eye. In this season, persevering in being barely able to shoulder a weight that is on the brink of unendurability for one's limits allows for the hidden but enormous cultivation and maturation of one's divinely bestowed heavenly capabilities.

The result of finishing such underground training is the God-given capacity to deeply tattoo one's impact on the body of human history with reverberations that will echo down through the bottomless well of eternity.

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