Saturday, August 4, 2018

Verbal Bullet Analysis

Much can be learned from a spontaneously fired verbal bullet in a moment of extreme stress

The oral ammunition that was fired in a Freudian-slip like manner at the psychological crime scene of an interpersonal conflict can be studied. It can uncover the psychological fingerprint of what hidden/nonintegrated/shadow part of the person's psyche shot the bullet. Preliminary analysis compares the overall felt sense of the person at the moment of extreme stress compared to the normal unstressed baseline. The disparity is then assessed in light of the person's psychosocial maturation levels to discern what is of the person's maturational developmental process and what is of their unique personality type. The person's style of cognitive processing is then assessed to distinguish how the person's conscious view of the world influences how they unconsciously view themself and others. Finally, the depth personality structure that that contains the person's unconscious focus of attention that unknowingly motivates them is discerned. The appropriate category of deep structured personality is then selected after cross referencing all the data with alternative categories of personality that end up having less coherence and explanatory power for how the verbal bullet got fired. The person's ultimate core fear at the bedrock of their unconscious is then finally discovered when the verbal bullet is psychoanalytically reconstructed.

Then, it's time to suit up to counter that core fear.

Just another day at the therapy office for the psychoanalytic detective.

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