Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Statue of Slavery

Our minds make representations of ourselves. These representations can be hijacked by defense mechanisms that protect us from facing our flaws, imperfections, and "personality pimples". When this happens, our self-images flatter us. We don't take into account the total sum of our personality acne and pimpled humanness. Only the things that reinforce the shine of our self-flattering representations. And we try to arrange circumstances to reinforce those glossy marble statues of ourselves.

The problem is that marble statues are fragile. When more or less "harmless" words or actions from others accidentally tip them over, they smash into a million pieces. But a flawed, imperfect, personality-pimpled human will not, and will stay intact.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Stupid Thinking god

Intellectual pride can lead to stupidity. When someone idolizes their own thinking structures and glorifies them by making them equal to that of a “thinking god”, those thinking structures harden into statue marble. Those idolized thinking structures are persuaded that their thoughts - thoughts of a “thinking god” - can never be wrong, because a “thinking god” never has thinking errors. And when one cannot admit that one has thinking errors, one can never change. And not being able to change one's errors in thinking is the very definition of stupidity.

Here, intellectual pride trades a thinking posture that is open to correction with its “mental pimples” and “cognitive freckles” for a beautifully dead static thinking posture that is no longer alive.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

God and Humour Revisited

Imagine you’ve never, ever experienced humour before. Ever. Pretend that not a single neuron in your brain has wired and fired to this foreign thing called “funniness” and “laughter”. For your whole life. Now imagine reading and hearing about humour and laughter. Picture yourself observing others “laugh” at this peculiar content called “humour” that you can't taste, smell, or touch. Your ability to “pick up” humour would be as good as that of a CCTV camera. You’d be confused because you’d try to use logic to understand the nonlogical (not illogical). You’d be at the mercy of non-humour categories to try to understand humour.

The same thing goes with God and experiencing him through Jesus. Millions of people in 2020 experience him everyday, regardless of age, ethnicity, culture, or political leanings. If you’ve never experienced him before, you’ll try to use logic to understand the nonlogical (not illogical). You’ll try to use non-God categories to try to understand God. The good news is that God sees the depths of each human heart. If he sees that we ultimately want him, he will reveal his living personality to us. But we must want him more than anything else.

Oh, and he happens to be a funny God too. I’m serious. Not joking.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The connection between overcoming idols and “repenting and believing in Jesus/the Gospel for salvation” with everyday language and no “Christianese”

(This originally was a response I wrote to a question in my small group)

Salvation in the Gospel = the quality of Jesus’ life in the Gospels (including his supernatural mental health) being available to us starting in this lifetime before we die.

Idol = A vision of what we think will give us “thick/vividly bright colours of satisfaction” (e.g. hedonism, being perfect, being right, being liked, being popular, being successful, being smart, being safe, being strong)

Idea of following Jesus = A vision of Jesus’ alternative

“believing in the Gospel” = not just cognitively believing the “theological multiplication table” but trusting Jesus with our heart and gut (which leads to action, otherwise there is no trust) that his vision for our life is more satisfying than the idol’s vision of our life.

Our flesh, the world, and the devil conspire to give us an “attractive car commercial” in our imagination of these idols. Bluntly speaking, at first, they seem more bright and sunny with splendour than Jesus’ alternative which may seem dim and cloudy with grimness. So when this happens, we need to “trust Jesus with our heart and gut (which leads to action)” that his quality of life/lifestyle leads to true and deep satisfaction. Even though that goes against our very persuasive imagination at the moment. After action (and some time, though the duration may vary) our heart, mind, and body will end up feeling the effects of Jesus’ alternative truly being more bright and sunny with splendour than the idol (which is actually the one that is dim and cloudy with grimness).

A concrete example is allowing the raw/authentic “unlovable” parts of us to be loved by God and his community. Even after we “say the sinner’s prayer”, it’s hard to show the emotionally naked/rawly vulnerable parts of us to other humans (and God too). We cognitively know that God unconditionally loves us and (some of) God’s community unconditionally love us, but our imagination is scared out of its wits with shame. Here, the idol is what the flesh/world/devil have conspired to embellish in our imagination – we cannot authentically and vulnerably show the “shamefully unlovable” parts of us. Because if we do, we will not be loved. So the idol of hiding these parts of us seems more bright and sunny in our imaginations (“show the acceptable and lovable parts of you to stay accepted and loved, your social life will be soooo good!”). The Jesus alternative seems more dim and grim of showing our “unacceptable”/”unlovable” parts of us so that those “unacceptable”/”unlovable” parts of us can viscerally feel unconditional acceptance/love from God and his community. So, even though our embellished imagination makes it extremely hard, we trust that Jesus knows his stuff, and that his alternative is better than our idol. So we act on it in “belief”/”trust” in Jesus. The duration of time varies, but sooner or later we realize that Jesus knew his stuff, and it turns out that his alternative was the actually the one with true splendour and thick/vivid brightness of freedom while the idol was actually the one that was dim, grim, enslaving, and heavy. This visceral realization can’t happen before trust-filled action. After we act and share who we truly are in our depths – our raw, authentic, vulnerable personality pimples with no social cosmetics on, we feel that it was actually the social cosmetics lifestyle that was truly suffocating, restricting, and heavy. Carrying that shame around constantly was like carrying a deadlift squat barbell with Olympian weights on wherever we went. And with Jesus, we release the deadlift and truly feel alive to soar in his freedom.