Monday, June 17, 2013

Divine Copyright on Insightful Thoughts/Analogies

It happened again.

I gave my friend, who was preparing a sermon, what I thought was a great/insightful analogy in helping others understand an apparently spiritually confusing/complex idea in nice and simple everyday logic/concrete examples. I thought the idea was brilliant to be completely honest.

Then, when he was preaching the next day, there was an inner battle going on inside of me as soon as he started.

My spirit began to caution me: "Watch it. Don't desire your friend to mention you if he says the analogy you gave him yesterday in order to bring recognition to yourself in front of the congregation today. Careful now. Don't desire this."
My flesh rebelled immediately: "Oh, but I do hope that I do get recognized for this brilliant analogy if he does mention it! Then people will see how insightful my mind is to come up with these genius parallels with everyday life to understand seemingly complex spiritual things!"
My spirit: "No. Don't yearn for it. Stop. You are not to yearn for attention being brought to yourself. Glory goes to God alone. Stop wanting recognition."
My flesh: "But I want to be known. I came up with the analogy! It rightly belongs to me! If my friend says it, then I ought to be recognized! It's only proper! It's only fair to want brilliant new ideas given publicly to be identified with the person who came up with them! It's intellectual copyright! If my friend uses the analogy, it's my idea so he ought to give recognition to me because it's my thought!"

This huge battle was secretly going on inside of me for a while. Quietly, but intensely. The mysterious contradictions of the human heart on the road to sanctification.

Then.... suddenly... a God thought penetrated right in the middle of this battle in my heart.

"Chris, when I give your mind ideas/analogies to explain complex spiritual truths, do you remember to make sure to identify the idea with me? After all, I was the one who came up with these ideas and gave them to you, you're not the one who came up with them." - God

Ouch. Touche. Burn. Checkmate. Over. GG. No-question-repentance needed asap.

Oh, how I still have such a long way to go!


  1. So did he give u proper attribution? lolz

  2. Nope! =)

    It was good that he didn't. If he did, my ego would have been severely tempted to puff up itself.
